Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Do Women Like Shaved Genitals On Men

Dear Lannisti ... do not be afraid, we have not forgotten you.
staff has in mind for the winter period between a loyal Lan ... If Magna, if you drink, if Zoga ...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Knitting Baby Papoose Pattern



Monica Roccaforte Wik



Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wife Has Genital Warts Did She Cheat


DEVASTATING! here's how it was this LAN ... thanks everyone for coming, Italy!
note about those who stayed till the end ... fearless!

He 's gone all is well apart from some initial problem with the network that cmq served us as a lesson for the future events ... spt but at some point God was felt particularly praised the current xD qnd jumped

No I'm sorry that you were able to make CoD4 ( Maro also had the laptop for the dedicated server, what a waste: D) cmq the fact is that DoD: S has done a master, and especially, as it happens, Anzio, with its bridge / church Magellan dominant with bazzoka ... God Brigante and The Killer mg of sentences with the ... IamLegend the usual and ubiquitous House the usual cock-splitting:)
also lots of CS: S are you pussies, apart from the usual m @ xyz that just took the AWP could do without to play xD ... cmq ultimately hope that people this is a good time, this is the end of the LAN, if nn is so we apologize for this, even if we wanted to send you to hell:)

TOP 3 of the day:

1 - At one point the power fails ... screen blacks ... panic mixed with frustration ... after a split second undeciphered a number of curses, after which a second pole says: "Haha I have the battery and there aro diocan all!" LOL

2 - Maro who cried and
wriggling qlcn breaks against the chair and falls ... ask (his) and laughter (of others) to nn end ...

3 - Match DoD: S in infinite dod_flash (partita. to score a point .. \\ panfi) ... No we have timed the time but will life
easy hour ... m @ xyz triple-digit plenty of killings ... after half an hour which was still 0 to 0 Cimut ago in Palo: Palo, how much time you put it? " "I did not put in time, but who comes first in 3 ..." Fear is introduced: "Ah well, tomorrow morning sen Eora still here" xD

comments / opinions (on this) and ideas for the next LAN are welcome ...


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Rotel Tomatoes Commercials

TF2 Guide / maps games

Hello, we release any information about the games that we will do to the LAN.
Since many for the first time playing in "Team Fortress 2
" and being a game is not as direct as can be DoD: S, it is useful if you have time to lose, give a quick read of this guide.
advised to read the unique characteristics of the different classes in order to find your favorite:)
maps that we thought to bring (suggested by Fear) sono: cp_well, ctf_turbine, ctf_2fort, cp_gravelpit ; poi cmq si possono farne di altre, sono solo proposte...

Mappe "Day of Defeat: Source"
Ovviamente per la gioia di Magellano dod_anzio ... poi sicuro dod_kalt, dod_avalanche, dod_flash, dod_argentan e dod_donner ... cmq mi sa che le passeremo più o meno tutte xD

Mappe "Counter Strike: Source"
In CS:S le mappe se le si conoscono si fa la differenza, quindi se non volete venire arati da m@xyz & co. ed evitare conseguente rosik consigliamo di darci un'occhiata :)
Mappe proposte: de_nuke, de_dust2, de_aztec, cs_italy, cs_office, cs_assault.
Note: version of CS: S we will use is compatible with the original, less than dell'ultimora updates.

We feel to say to those who come purely to play CoD4 not to worry if you do not see your favorite game in the program, but we have made games like "official" ones that we run at all, or nearly so, in order to play together :) then free time to play with whoever you want and like there will be ... So do not worry ... CoD4 will, ask for info Maro (game manager).

More info at the moment there are limits to the edit ...


PS: Maro do not blame you if we have named "employee CoD4" xD

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Is Flucloxacillin Used In Chest Infections

proposals Briefing

Un saluto a tutti i frequentatori del blog, il grande giorno si avvicina, e siamo pronti a dare forma ad un programma della LAN e a rilasciare qualche news…

Innanzitutto vogliamo ringraziarvi per la partecipazione, i consigli, i commenti e la fiducia che ci date in progetti come questi: un Lan-Party è bello anche perchè c'è gente affiatata come voi!

Detto questo rilasciamo qualche aggiornamento per la LAN, non terrorizzatevi dal tono austero, ma è anche giusto dettare delle linee base per evitare l’anarchia, ed anche per coordinare al meglio il gruppo così come il divertimento.

- In ordine di garantire un sano divertimento a tutti i partecipanti della LAN, è giusto ricordare di mantenere un comportamento rispettoso, in particolare di fronte a gente che non conoscete; il turpiloquio è concesso, seppur entro certi limiti della decenza e della convivenza pubblica (cmq non stiamo certo qua a farvi da genitori, ci si trova per divertirsi in definitiva).

- Giochi: saranno forniti da noi, dovranno be available ten Gb free space on your PC, especially for people who do not have to file on time is a must.

- Beer, Coca Cola, other drinks, mixed packs of crisps, peanuts, various snacks and supplies will be provided by us. As mentioned in the pizza evening for those who want to (not including the costs of participation).


Abstract: The program can not be changed and you have to stick to the lineup. Any changes are the responsibility of directors (if a game does the series has enjoyed a great success can be put aside and move on to another). behaviors that do not respect the lineup will not be tolerated : it is a LAN to play / have fun together, so if you come it is implied that you accept the program.

Arrival: by 14:00 onwards, we advise people to install various games to arrive before 14.30.

Briefing: system set up (wiring), installation of games, heating ...

15:00 to 16:30


16:30 to 18:00 DoD: S

18:00 to 21:00 Free: everyone can do what he likes, with whom he will. Dinner

21:00 to 23:00 CS: S (we will try to form teams balanced)

23:00 in poi: libero (cioè ci si mette via via d'accordo sul da farsi)

Quota per la partecipazione: 7 €

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lazer Wart Removal Brampton


Instructions Noma Programmable Thermostat

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Skates Sharpener Sale

Subscriptions - Recruitment

Assuming that this lan is not open to all being a LAN-PARTY PRIVATE anyone who is aware and wants to participate may request below.

We will decide who can and can not participate.
course if you have a friend from those of the LAN your subscription is almost certain, however, if you are completely unknown people must speak first to give you any confirmation.

Garantiamo 32 utenti attivi
, quelli che si prenoteranno a numeri successivi al 32 saranno avvertiti, e potranno partecipare alla LAN a loro rischio (non garantiamo il posto, ne la disponibilità sul server). Quindi prenotatevi!

Ci sarà una quota esigua da dividere per spese affitto locale e patatine, snack, birra, cocacola e tutto il necessario per divertirsi a cui pensiamo noi ! Se la sera volete la pizza, ve la pagate a parte o cmq organizzeremo una macchina per tutto il necessario.

Gli orari si pensava dalle 14.00/14.30 ad oltranza (03.00??) se volete venire per fare solo un salto potete starvene pure a casa vostra!!

email di riferimento: